Seminar Room 3 at Sapporo Business Innovation Center; 技能訓練棟セミナールーム3
1-1, 1 chome, 5 Jo, Higashi-Sapporo, Sapporo, Hokkaido
Registration is closed
All English!!
Let's try(:english) at Sapporo RubyKaigi 2012
If your first language is English,talk to Japanese Rubyists in English!
The meetup will be on lunch time with pizza for free. Attendees will make a small group of 3-5, about two English and two Japanese Rubyists. Enjoy chatting wih Japanese Rubyists, also encourage them to study English for a better communication. You, "Gai-Jin (means foreigners in Japanese)," can help them.
Join us!
★ You must be a Sapporo RubyKaigi attendee.
★ Tickets will go first-come basis. We expect 20 attendees of English speaking people.
All English!!
★ Sapporo RubyKaigi 2012参加者に限らせていただきます。
★ 申し込みは先着順です。日本語の人(英語が苦手な人、英語勉強中の人)、20人を募集しています。